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parking guidance system--ultrasonic sensor
Specification: P02
Detail: Park Easy UD, has several high power LED lights installed insides, provides the customer another option of sensor--All-in-one Ultrasonic Sensor, which integrates with bay indicator. If required, Park Easy Ultrasonic Sensor can...
parking guidance system--led sign
Specification: P02
Detail: Think about the crazy job when searching for ***ce in a multi-level parking lot--going up and down from one level to another, driving from one aisle to another. LED displays are designed to be the window of the system. It'...
parking guidance system--led indicator
Specification: P02
Detail: Think about the crazy job when searching for ***ce in a multi-level parking lot--going up and down from one level to another, driving from one aisle to another. LED displays are designed to be the window of the system. It'...
parking guidance system--looking for agents
Specification: P02
Detail: Parkeasy Electronics specialize solely in the parking business and is dedicated to assist its worldwide customer. It's matured technology has already been delivered to over 15 countries. If you entrust yourself on us, you en...
parking guidance system
Specification: P02
Detail: What is Park Easy parking guidance system? Park Easy PGS is an electronics system specially designed for multi-story parking lots where drivers usually find it difficult to hunt for a vacant ***ce. The system guides driv...
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